As Sip2dial is a well-known cloud call center software provider, the products and services it provides must be reliable and affordable also. Sip2dial provides a wide range of services and products for Contact centers across the globe. Just about a few years ago the CEO of Sip2dial had dreamed to launch a call center support software for the entire call center industry to ensure flawless business. The path was tough though, yet what Sip2dial achieved is history.
There were many challenges before this dream, primarily the traditional way of call center business. Generally, a Traditional way of call center business was a more familiar concept in the realm of IT industry than cloud call center business. In traditional contact centers, money was fluctuating every time as there were different maintenance costs. Even after the introduction of various cloud call center software, there was an emptiness that used to inspire us to do something new.
When the wind does not go in your favor, you must not sail’ It is said but the passionate staffs at Sip2dial perhaps had forgotten it. They put their mind, hands, and sweat on a software that was not so easy to build. “We were committed to creating a new way of contact center solution. How could we stop ourselves doing that?’’ Says the CEO of Sip2dial.
The Cloud call center software from Sip2dial is one of the best ways to manage call centers virtually today. It is equipped with some amazing features that are cost saving and unique as well. When it comes to providing solutions to the aforesaid challenges Sip2dial has done remarkably well than others in this field.
Among the most important features, the accessibility over the internet is the most amazing one in Sip2dial’s cloud call center software. The Cloud call center software provided by Sip2dial is hosted online and it is more secure than the older ones. It includes a number of popular calling features along with their service. Features such as IVR, Call Recording, Call Forwarding and Time-of-Day Routing is accessible at no additional charge.
The performance of Sip2dial’s cloud call center software was not only the selling points but also the solutions for all those problems with traditional call center support software. Responding to a question from the media, the design and development team of Sip2dial said: "There will be small issues in our day-to-day lives but it can’t stop us leading a good life”. The CEO of Sip2dial added further saying “Our cloud call center software will unite contact center agents worldwide which will give the call center industry fruitful results in near future”
There are numerous contact centers in East Asia using the cloud call center software of Sip2dial. Some European contact center business houses also showed their interests in Sip2dial’s cloud call center software in recent years. According to a survey done by an Independent agency from the Philippines in 2017, the productivity of call centers has drastically gone up by 25% with Sip2dial’s call center support software.
The call center support software of Sip2dial has reduced the maintenance cost in start-up call centers as well as increased their workflow.
The great success story of Sip2dial is really admirable. In near future, the company aspires to bring some big changes in its call center administrating policies as well. “We are totally committed to our clients and we will never stop exploring new ideas to make our clients on the top. We feel esteemed to be a part of the Sip2dial team” said team Sip2dial in their success speech.